I gathered the yarn in bundles
I gathered the yarn in bundles like the tutorial shows. Then just used my best judgement to place the bundles on the hat. I used a paper clip to pull them through then just tied underneath. But you have to remember. Most wigs will not ship to you styled. They are shipped in small, flat rate shipping envelopes, stuffed in a bag with a couple of pieces of tissue paper and a thank you note written in the worst broken English you've ever seen. wigs And there are very few better feelings than nailing a tracer the instant she comes out of her blink, or a reaper right as his fade ends.Learn to read the overall battlefield, not just the fight in front of you. As Pharah, you can see what going on over most of the map, and you can spot the genji sneaking off to flank, or the torb setting up his turret on the next choke point and call them out to your team. And about Torb: if you can stay out of his turret range and are a good long shooter, you can make his life hell. wigs hair extensions...